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Variability in protein content of different species of the genus pleurotus collected from the north western Himalayan regions of India

Không đóng trình duyệt đến khi xuất hiện nút TẢI XUỐNG

In the present study, nine species of Pleurotus and their isolates were procured /collected from different sources/locations and cultivated under mushroom house conditions. The crude protein content of various species viz. P.ostreatus, P.sapidus, P.eryngii, P.florida, P.flabellatus, P.florida,P.cystidiosus, P.hypsizygus and P.sajor caju was determined on dry weight basis using micro-kjeldahl method. | Variability in protein content of different species of the genus pleurotus collected from the north western Himalayan regions of India

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