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Neuroimmunology in Clinical Practice - part 10

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Dịch của SC gần đây đã được báo cáo ở các nước đang phát triển ngay cả trong các cộng đồng có quyền truy cập tốt để chăm sóc sức khỏe, mặc dù sự gia tăng trên toàn thế giới có thể được trùng hợp ngẫu nhiên, nó cũng có thể cho thấy sự xuất hiện của tính gây bệnh cao hoặc các chủng antibioticresistant | 242 ANDREW J. CHURCH AND GAVIN GIOVANNONI Outbreaks of SC have recently been reported in developed countries even among communities with good access to healthcare although this worldwide increase could be coincidental it could also suggest the emergence of highly pathogenic or antibioticresistant strains Ayoub 1992 . Poststreptococcal tic disorders and PANDAS Interest in SC was reignited in the 1980s after the recognition that sudden-onset tic disorders in children appeared to follow an outbreak of streptococcal infection. An outbreak of streptococcal tonsillitis in Rhode Island USA was associated with a 10-fold increase in children presenting with a motor tic disorder without evidence for RHF or SC Kiessling et al. 1993 . As the clinical phenotype was tics and neuropsychiatric features SC was proposed as a model of these disorders which were termed PANDAS pediatric neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections Swedo et al. 1998 . As GABHS is a prevalent infectious agent in the community two or more exacerbations of the tic disorder following streptococcal infection were required to make a diagnosis Swedo et al. 1998 Table 21.1 . The PANDAS classification is defined as the presence of OCD and or a tic disorder which meets DSM-III-R or DSM-IV criteria with an acute pediatric prepubescent onset occurring after three years of age with a later episodic course of symptom exacerbations and recovery Swedo et al. 1998 . The association with streptococcal infection s was shown by Table 21.1 The diagnostic criteria for PANDAS devised by Swedo and colleagues 1998 . Number Criterion 1 Tics chorea would be an exclusion criteria 2 Obsessive-compulsive disorder 3 Acute onset with an episodic course 4 Exacerbation following proven GABHS infection 5 GABHS infection diagnosed by throat culture and or falling rising streptococcal serology 6 Other neuropsychiatric manifestations and nonchoreic movement disorders a positive GABHS throat culture with initial raised

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