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Effect of weed management in yield attributes of Manihot Esculenta Crantz (Cassava)

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Weed management in farmer’s cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) field was carried out during 2017 to assess the weed control and yield characteristics of cassava in eight different treatments (T1-T8) including weedy check which served as control. The treatments consisted of weedy check (control, T1), weed free (hand weeding as and when required, T2), pendimethalin @ 1.5 kg/ha (T3), pendiplus @ 1.50 kg/ha (T4), imazethapyr @ 80g/ha (T5), pendimethalin @ 1.5 kg/ha + hoeing and earthing up (60 DAP) (T6), pendiplus @ 1.50 kg/ha + hoeing and earthing up (60 DAP) (T7) and imazethapyr @ 80g/ha + hoeing and earthing up (60 DAP) (T8). The abundant weeds in the field were Boerhavia diffusa, Cyperus rotundus, Cyanodon dactylon, Phyllanthus maderaspatensis, Chloris barbata and Euphorbia hirta. The yield performance was higher in T2 followed by T6, T3, T8 and T7 where the tuber yield was 23759.46, 22758.17, 22408.53, 21284.60 and 20618.76 kg/ha respectively. | Effect of weed management in yield attributes of Manihot Esculenta Crantz (Cassava)

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