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Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P9

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Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P9:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | 6- Still using the Pen tool click at the point where the rear side of the top fin touches the ship body. Drag handles for this point until the shape of the curve matches the shape of the fin s back edge. 7. Click the third point with the Pen tool to convert the point to a corner. 8- Hover the cursor over the first anchor point you created until you see a small hollow-circle icon next to the cursor. The hollow-circle icon in the cursor indicates that clicking will close the shape. 9. Click to close the shape with a straight line. The straight line will be covered by the ship body so it doesn t need to be adjusted. 1 o. Deselect everything then zoom out and hide the Rocket Sketch layer. Your fins should be graceful not choppy. If you aren t satisfied with the result delete the fin and try again. 1 1. Display the Rocket Sketch layer again and lock the Top Fins layer. 1 2- Save the file and continue to the next exercise. Project 1 Rocket Ship Artwork 27 Pen Tool Basics FLASH FOUNDATIONS Using the Subselection tool. When you click a line with the Subselection tool you can see the object s anchor points. In the image to the right both objects were selected by surrounding them with a selection rectangle you can see all the objects points and curves. Selecting entire objects or single points. As you move the Subselection tool near a stroke a small solid black square appears at the bottom right of the icon. If you move the Subselection tool directly over a single anchor point a hollow square in the icon indicates that clicking selects only that point. Moving points. To move an anchor point select the point with the Subselection tool and move it to the desired location. You can also nudge move it a little bit at a time a point by selecting it and then pressing the Up Down and Left Right Arrow keys on your keyboard. Reshaping a curve using its handles. To reshape a curve first select it with the Subselection tool and then drag the related handles. Handles will appear from .

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