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NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 26

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NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 26. The small but very concise NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases offers 6,000 basic and common English words plus 6,000 basic and common English idioms and phrases. You will find this portable title essential in the classroom, at home, or traveling, when you need help to recall word and phrase meanings. | fragrance break something into pieces or sections. fragrance fre gr@ns n. a smell or scent that is pleasant. fragrant fre gr@nt adj. smelling good having a nice smell. Adv fragrantly. frail frel adj. thin and weak not strong easily hurt. Adv frailly. frame frem 1. n. a structure that provides support for something. 2. n. a firm border that something such as a door a window or a picture is set into. 3. n. the shape or form of a human body the structure of the body. 4. tv. to place something in @ to build @ for something. 5. tv. to cause someone to appear guilty of a crime by manipulating evidence or lying. frank frAgk adj. straightforward truthful honest of someone speaking the truth even if it hurts. Adv frankly. Comp franker sup frankest. frantic frAn tik adj. very excited wild with emotion. Adv frantically .ik li . fraud frod 1. n. cheating something done to deceive someone. No plural. 2. n. a false or deceiving thing or act. 3. n. someone who pretends to be someone or something else. fraught with danger of something full of something dangerous or unpleasant. fray fre 1. tv. to cause a rope or string to unravel to separate the threads that make up string or rope. 2. iv. to unravel to become worn at the edges. 3. n. an argument a brawl. JOIN THE FRAY JUMP INTO THE FRAY freak frik 1. n. someone or something that is not normally developed. Not polite for humans. 2. adj. very unusual. Prenominal only. freckle frek @l 1. n. one of many small dark dots on the skin. 2. iv. to become covered with Q usually because of exposure to the sun. free fri 1. adj. independent not someone s slave not ruled by a bad ruler. Adv freely. Comp freer sup freest. 2. adj. costing no money without cost. 3. adj. not limited not restricted not bound by rules. Adv freely. Comp freer sup freest. 4. adj. not busy available. Comp freer sup freest. 5. adj. generous lavish giving. Adv freely. Comp freer sup freest. 6. adj. having an open path having nothing in one s way. 7. adv. without cost .

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