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Báo cáo khoa học: "Performance of vegetatively propagated Larix decidua, L kaempferi and L laricina hybrids"

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Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Performance of vegetatively propagated Larix decidua, L kaempferi and L laricina hybrids. | 63 Ann Sci For 1992 49 63-74 Elsevier INRA Original article Performance of vegetatively propagated Larix decidua L kaempferi and L laricina hybrids LE Pâques INRA Centre d Orlốans Station d Amélioration des Arbres Forestiers 45160 Ardon France Received 25 January 1991 accepted 17 October 1991 Summary Interspecific hybridization between the tamarack and the Japanese and European larches was attempted. Successful crosses between the tamarack and the Japanese larch as well as the 3-way hybrid tamarack crossed to European X Japanese larches were obtained for the first time in France but on a limited scale. Hybridization with tamarack seems possible but rather difficult due to differences in phenology and reproduction potential. Hybrid clones were successfully propagated by stem cuttings with high rates of rooting and a good quality of the root system especially for the tamarack and its hybrids. Field performances at 8 years reveal that even if their initial growth is vigorous is absolute terms neither the tamarack nor its hybrids could compete with the hybrid Larix decidua X L kaempferi for both growth and stem form. One exception is the 3-way hybrid L larícina X L decidua X L kaempferi which can be advantageously compared to the latter. An additional advantage could be its expected greater tolerance of wet soils. Nevertheless its creation appeared to be difficult. So far the hybrid L decidua X L kaempferi seems to be best for reforestation. Larix larch tamarack interspecific hybridization vegetative propagation clonal test stem cutting Resume Comparaison des performances de differents hybrides entre les mélèzes laricins d Europe et du Japon multiplies végétativement. L hybridization interspécitique offre à ramé ora-teur des perspectives intéressantes pour la creation variétale notamment pour la combinaison de caractères complémentaires favorables et par valorisation de 1 hétérosis. Dans cette perspective plusieurs croisements contrôlés entre le mélèze laricin Larix .

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