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ANSYS Coupled-Field Analysis Guide phần 5

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chuyển nhượng, esav, Therm, esav! chuyển hướng tập tin để sử dụng trong khởi động lại nhiệt / chuyển nhượng, emat, Therm, emat / Solu nếu, i, gt, 1, sau đó antype, trans, phần còn lại! khởi động lại nhiệt * endif thời gian, thời gian! thời gian ở cuối của nhiệt điện chạy esel, s, mat,, 2! chọn phôi thép khu vực ldread, hgen | Chapter 4 Multi-field Analysis Using Code Coupling Step Command GUI Path Specify relaxation values. MFRELAX Main Menu Preprocessor Multi-field Set Up MFX-ANSYS CFX Advanced Set Up Relaxation Main Menu Solution Multi-field Set Up MFX-ANSYS CFX Advanced Set Up Relaxation Use the MFITER command to set the maximum number of stagger iterations between the field solvers for each multi-field time step. At the end of each stagger iteration the ANSYS master checks the convergence of the quantities transferred across the interface and the fields within each field solver. The analysis proceeds to the next time step if the interface quantities have converged. The stagger solution continues until the maximum number of stagger iterations has been reached or convergence occurs. The default is 10 stagger iterations. You can also specify a minimum stagger iteration MFITER MINITER and a target stagger iteration the desired number of stagger iterations MFITER TARGET for auto time stepping in MFX. Use the MFCONV command to specify the convergence norm for the quantities transferred across each field at the interface. The default is 0.001. Note Iteration controls and convergence criteria must also be set for the fields being solved in each of the coupled field solvers. Iteration controls are important for controlling the efficiency and stability of the coupled analysis. Convergence criteria are important for controlling the accuracy of the solutions provided by each field solver. General recommendations are summarized as Set the convergence criteria to obtain the desired level of solution accuracy. Set the maximum stagger iterations to a value that is large enough to satisfy the convergence criteria during each multi-field time step. Limit the work e.g. iterations done during the execution of each field solver to maintain a tighter coupling and promote efficiency and stability. Use the MFRELAX command to specify the relaxation values for the load transfer variables across the surface.

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