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ROBOTICS Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra Part 15

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'robotics handbook of computer vision algorithms in image algebra part 15', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | . represent IA_Point double -valued expressions. Let dparrayrepresent an array of double values each of dimension d with n elements. And let ips and dps represent sets with IA_Point int and IA_Point double elements respectively. The function IA_boxy_pset creates the set containing all points bounded by the infimum and supremum of its two point arguments. The type of set is determined by the point types of the arguments. The IA_universal_ipset and IA_empty_ipset create universal or empty sets of type IA_Point int of dimension specified by the argument. Sets of type IA_Point double are created in a corresponding fashion by IA_universal_dpset and IA_empty_dpset. Table A.2.5 Point Set Constructors and Assignment construct a copy IA_Set IA_Point int ips IA_Set IA_Point double dps construct from points IA_Set IA_Point int ip IA_Set IA_Point int ipi ip2 IA_Set IA_Point int ipi ip2 ip3 IA_Set IA_Point int ipi ip2 ip3 ip4 IA_Set IA_Point int ipi ip2 ip3 ip4 ip5 IA_Set IA_Point double dp IA_Set IA_Point double dpi dp2 IA_Set IA_Point double dpi dp2 dp3 IA_Set IA_Point double dpi dp2 dp3 dp4 IA_Set IA_Point double dpi dp2 dp3 dp4 dp5 construct from array of points IA_Set IA_Point int d iparray n IA_Set IA_Point double d dparray n assign a point set ipsi ips2 dpsi dps2 functions returning point sets IA_boxy_pset ipi ip2 IA_boxy_pset dpi dp2 IA_universal_ipset dim IA_universal_dpset dim IA_empty_ipset dim IA_empty_dpset dim Binary Operations on Point Sets In Table A.2.6 let ps psi and ps2 represent expressions all of type IA_Set IA_Point int or IA_Set IA_Point double . Let p represent an expression having the same type as the elements of ps. Table A.2.6 Binary Operations on Point Sets addition psi ps2 subtraction psi - ps2 point addition ps p p ps point subtraction ps - p p - ps union psi ps2 intersection psi ps2 set difference psi ps2 symmetric difference psi A ps2 Unary Operations on Point Sets Let ps represent an expression of type IA_Set IA_Point int IA_Set IA_Point double

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