Việc chuyển đổi yếu tố nguy cơ liên quan đến một sự thay đổi từ một tỷ lệ cao các yếu tố nguy cơ đối với bệnh truyền nhiễm (chẳng hạn như nước nghèo thiếu cân, và vệ sinh môi trường) để có tỷ lệ cao các yếu tố nguy cơ đối với các bệnh mãn tính (chẳng hạn như sử dụng thuốc lá, huyết áp cao và béo phì) . | 2. Risk factor transition high prevalence of tobacco use among youth worldwide Current tobacco use among students aged 13-15 years WHO regions 30 20 10 nIlibL Global African Region Region of the Americas South-East Asia Region European Region Western Eastern Mediterranean Pacific Region Region 0 Both sexes Males Females Source Warren CW et al 20063 The risk factor transition refers to a change from a high prevalence of risk factors for communicable diseases such as underweight poor water and sanitation to a high prevalence of risk factors for chronic diseases such as tobacco use high blood pressure and obesity . According to current estimates the annual number of tobacco-related deaths worldwide is projected to rise from million in 2000 to more than 10 million by 2020 unless effective interventions take hold. The increase will be greatest in developing countries. Findings of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey GYTS show that the tobacco epidemic is growing. Students aged 13-15 years were surveyed about their use of tobacco in more than 140 countries during the period 1999-2005. The results for boys and girls suggest that current patterns of tobacco use among adults - where women are only about one-fourth as likely as men to smoke cigarettes - will change. No gender difference was found in over half of the GYTS sites surveyed for current cigarette smoking. In total one out of 10 GYTS respondents was a current smoker and about as many were current users of other tobacco products. The influence of tobacco advertising and promotion is reflected in the fact that 80 of GYTS respondents worldwide have seen tobacco advertisements and 12 have been offered free cigarettes. A combination of evidence-based tobacco control measures in line with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is essential to curb the tobacco epidemic among youth as well as adults. 3. Warren CW Jones NR Eriksen MP Asma S. Patterns of global tobacco use in young people and implications for future