Siêu âm nội dung bìu trong Bmode với 3,5-MHz thăm dò cho thấy cấu trúc giống như anechoic u nang (mũi tên) tương ứng với lymphangiectasias lớn tại một bệnh nhân bị nhiễm bệnh với W. bancrofti. FDS (không rõ ràng về hình ảnh này) đã được nhìn thấy trong một bạch huyết giãn nở ít hơn (mũi tên nhỏ). Không có thủy tinh mạc đã có mặt | 122 3 Ultrasound Diagnosis of Special Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Fig. . Braznian25-year-old male ultrasound of scrotal contents in Ilmode with piobisaowing anechoic cyst-hke stsectures arrows csrrs-sponding hc large lymphangicctastac in an infectedpa ienSwitìr w. FDS not clcaron thishnrgn wasseer in a less dilsisdrymphitirfsgiirl arrow . No hydrocele wsc peerinc nests and 85 of infected men and specificity 100 . Detection of the FDSwitncfe3ia-MHztransdue7cwmunriiieblewheaine1ymphaeec7ceseC diametecwesiass -d for pessari purpgsrs she limctor detectionforthr3giMmz probe a asreạchedatrnaceidiamehs mm. For the el7cMHaprobe to- lirnihoc deteetimn rmeiam to ttẹ ii r veasrl d arnetec ạtappoo-mmdỵ i torn. TmUSr hcn maxemcm hhrtatfoo st the ultrasoundrmage is 0 armstuUies oddrugeffirsrr tfc c MHz transducer should continue to be used in this case always combined with phy cd cxaminriioti. Alternative and Supplementary Methods Once living adult worms areidenlified in any lymphatic vessel or lymph node then cgnoais nesctigc brecioftietr filariasis infeenfonSn conformed. In cases whẹra M lyib mpfangiactasst s found a ieaich for . 8 antigen is adgtsed 10 tesl m CCTomd Thise tu ieare alieady ceaiii able commircia yAllio . 0O4C3 te Wiih an alternste wcr fo ia lhe hccdm cdutc woirns tníọgpỊticaiỊais Sir pecially in the intrascrotal vessels through the detection of small nodules perceigẹd ay plysiadt ia7intacdnn cpio 7 dcys dte reca Ci r I h tc esjaecianc ietfa wSerc rl ciitìon ia mst scocgh fo .Hut ei7ice7mtỉi n of living worms by ultrasound. Diagnostic Efficiency In summaiy ulnasoundira very useful tool for complementing the diagnosis of bancroftian filariasis and for documenting the extension of the Parasitic Diseases 123 lymphatic vessel damage. Its use to monitor absence of lymphangiectasia in areas where transmission has been interrupted deserves further investigation. Acknowledgement. We