Starting with release , OpenCV has a new Python interface. This replaces the previous SWIGbased Python interface. Some highlights of the new bindings: single import of all of OpenCV using import cv OpenCV functions no longer have the ”cv” prefix simple types like CvRect and CvScalar use Python tuples sharing of Image storage, so image transport between OpenCV and other systems (. numpy and ROS) is very efficient complete documentation for the Python functions | OpenCV Reference Manual March 18 2010 2 Contents I C API Reference 39 1 cxcore. The Core Functionality 41 Basic CvPoint3D64f . 43 CvSize . 44 CvSize2D32f . 44 CvRect . 44 CvScalar .45 CvTermCriteria . 46 CvMat . 46 CvArr . 52 Operations on Arrays . 52 cvAbsDiff . 52 cvAbsDiffS . 52 cvAdd . 53 cvAddS . 53 cvAddWeighted . 54 cvAnd . 55 cvAndS . 55 cvAvg . 56 cvAvgSdv . 57 cvCalcCovarMatrix . 57