Khái niệm về hệ sinh thái không chỉ có các trung tâm sinh thái học chuyên nghiệp ngày hôm nay, nhưng nó cũng là khái niệm có liên quan nhất về vấn đề môi trường của con người. Trong giữa những năm 70, công chúng bị bắt giữ về ý nghĩa gốc của hệ sinh thái, cụ thể là "oikos" hoặc "nhà", mở rộng đối tượng vượt ra ngoài giới hạn học tập trước đây tương đối hẹp của nó bao gồm "toàn của con người và môi trường", hoặc toàn bộ môi trường nhà ở, vì nó được. Chúng. | ECOSYSTEM THEORY The concept of the ecosystem is not only the center of professional ecology today but it is also the most relevant concept in terms of man s environmental problems. During the mid 70s the public seized on the root meaning of ecology namely oikos or house to broaden the subject beyond its previously rather narrow academic confines to include the totality of man and environment or the whole environmental house as it were. We are witnessing what is called a historic attitude revolution Odum 1969 1970c in the way people look at their environment for the very simple reason that for the first time in his short history man is faced with ultimate rather than merely local limitations. It will be well for all of us to keep this overriding simplicity in mind as we face the controversies false starts and backlashes that are bound to accompany man s attempts to put some negative feedback into the vicious spiral of uncontrolled growth and resource exploitation that has characterized the past several decades. Man has been interested in ecology in a practical sort of way since early in his history. In primitive society every individual to survive needed to have definite knowledge of his environment . of the forces of nature and of the plants and animals around him. Civilization in fact began when man learned to use fire and other tools to modify his environment. It is even more necessary than ever for mankind as a whole to have an intelligent knowledge of the environment if our complex civilization is to survive since the basic laws of nature have not been repealed only their complexion and quantitative relations have changed as the world s human population has increased and as man s power to alter the environment has expanded. Like all phases of learning the science of ecology has had a gradual if spasmodic development during recorded history. The writings of Hippocrates Aristotle and other philosophers of the Greek period contain material which is clearly .