Phế thải chất thải phóng xạ phóng xạ có thể được định nghĩa là vật liệu rắn, lỏng, khí, giá trị kinh tế không đáng kể có chứa các hạt nhân phóng xạ vượt quá lượng ngưỡng. Chất thải mức cao (HLW) được sản xuất trong chu kỳ đầu tiên của tái chế dành vật liệu hạt nhân và phóng xạ mạnh mẽ. Trung cấp chất thải (ILW) có thể được chia thành ngắn sống, với cuộc sống một nửa trong số hai mươi năm hoặc ít hơn, và tồn tại lâu dài, trong đó cuộc sống một nửa của. | M MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES RADIOACTIVE WASTE Radioactive waste may be defined as solid liquid or gaseous material of negligible economic value containing radionuclides in excess of threshold quantities. High level wastes HLW are produced in the first cycle of reprocessing spent nuclear material and are strongly radioactive. Intermediate level wastes ILW can be divided into short lived with half lives of twenty years or less and long lived in which the half lives of some constituents may be thousands of years. Low level wastes LLW contain less than 4 GBq ton of alpha emitters and less than 12 GBq ton of beta and gamma emitters. Very low level waste VLLW contains activity concentrations less than MBq ton. The members of the profession came mainly from Health Physics and brought with them the caution and conservative attitude to radiation hazards characteristic of Health Physicists. They regard their mission as being to ensure that members of the public as well as workers in the field of nuclear energy will not be harmed by the radioactive material for which they are responsible. With their Health Physics background this sometimes leads to an attitude which industry regards as overrestrictive although recent controversies have tended to cast them ironically in the role of particularly dangerous polluters of the environment. It is clear that any human activity that involves conversion of something into something different must produce waste. Conversion of energy from one from to another is no exception. It is sometimes possible for an industry to recycle its waste products and to convert part of them to a useful form but there is always some minimal residue which cannot be retained within the system. This must find some place within the environment. Usually the cheapest procedure is to discharge it in some way that will ensure a sufficient dilution to make it innocuous. If this is impracticable for technical or political reasons it must be confined but .