Ô NHIỄM TỪ THOÁT NƯỚC MỎ GIỚI THIỆU Tất cả các hình thức khai thác gây ra một số tác động đến môi trường nước, cũng giống như bất kỳ xáo trộn đất sẽ ảnh hưởng đến thủy văn địa phương. Đôi khi tác động này là rất bất lợi, trong trường hợp này thường có một sự gián đoạn đáng kể các chu kỳ đời sống tự nhiên trong nước bị ảnh hưởng. Các trường hợp khác, và ít chú ý thậm chí có thể cải thiện các vùng biển địa phương. Thật không may, các tác động bất lợi. | POLLUTION FROM MINE DRAINAGE INTRODUCTION All forms of mining cause some impact on the aquatic environment just as any other earth disturbance will impact the local hydrology. Sometimes this impact is very adverse in which case there is usually a considerable disruption of the natural life cycles in the affected water. Other and less noted cases may even improve the local waters. Unfortunately the adverse impacts greatly outnumber the advantageous circumstances so that the result of mining is to severely degrade the aquatic environment. A generalized characterization of the impact of mining on water is rather difficult as almost any specific change in the chemical qualities of the affected waters may be found at some specific point. In almost all cases however there is an increase in the total dissolved solids in the mine drainage waters. Additionally the acidity of mine drainage is increased above normal ground water levels for the area and the level of dissolved metal is increased. In some areas however the alkalinity levels are increased by mining. Many forms of mining also increase the suspended solids content of water. Coal mining has received the greatest amount of attention as the mining which causes water pollution. This is perhaps deserved as the mining of coal has been a major operation for many years and more coal has been mined than any other single mineral. Water pollution from coal mining was known in medieval England and the mines in Wales were known to make the creeks run red. This fact was important to the exploration of the North American continent as early explorers deduced the presence of large deposits of coal from the natural color and character of some of the streams and creeks. Similar conditions were sometimes noted in relation to other mineral deposits in the US. As the outcrop materials come into contact with the atmospheric conditions oxidation and solubilization take place and the products are transported into the streams. Hence the .