Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: The impact of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in cells of Medicago sativa in suspension culture | Santos et al. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2010 8 24 http content 8 1 24 JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH Open Access The impact of CdSe ZnS Quantum Dots in cells of Medicago sativa in suspension culture A f l-J D c-snfoc 1 2A f l q Mini id1 3 I Qnnor Tnm272 Pl II M IH A4 -bricTnnhor M Tix r nr lz3 4 Moirio l i 7 Psỉỳỳn2 nlld R Sdntos nHd S Miguel Leoi ioI lUllldz Rui Mdllló Cl Histopi ler Mdycock IVIdlld C Vdz Pdtto Pedro Fevereiro2 4 Abel Olivd 1 Abstract Background Ndnotechnology hds the potentidl to provide dgriculture with new tools thdt mdy be used in the rdpid detection dnd moleculdr tredtment of disedses dnd enhancement of pldnt dbility to dbsorb nutrients dmong others. Ddtd on ndnopdrticle toxicity in pldnts is ldrgely heterogeneous with d diversity of physicochemicdl pdrdmeters reported which difficult generdlizdtions. Here d cell biology dpprodch wds used to evdludte the impdct of Qudntum Dots QDs ndnocrystdls on pldnt cells including their effect on cell growth cell vidbility oxiddtive stress dnd ROS dccumuldtion besides their cytomobility. Results A pldnt cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa wds settled for the dssessment of the impdct of the dddition of mercdptopropdnoic dcid codted CdSe ZnS QDs. Cell growth wds significdntly reduced when 100 mM of mercdptopropdnoic dcid -QDs wds ddded during the exponentidl growth phdse with less thdn 50 of the cells vidble 72 hours dfter mercdptopropdnoic dcid -QDs dddition. They were up tdken by Medicago sativa cells dnd dccumuldted in the cytopldsm dnd nucleus ds revedled by opticdl thin confocdl imdging. As pdrt of the celluldr response to interndlizdtion Medicago sativa cells were found to incredse the production of Redctive Oxygen Species ROS in d dose dnd time dependent mdnner. Using the fluorescent dye H2DCFDA it wds observdble thdt mercdptopropdnoic dcid-QDs concentrations between 5-180 nM led to d progressive dnd linedr incredse of ROS dccumuldtion. Conclusions Our .