Tham khảo tài liệu 'study english-epispde 1: electronic crime p2', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | abcasiapacifc com studyenglish STUDY ENGLISH IELTS PREPARATION STUDY NOTES EPISODE 1 ELECTRONIC CRIME VOCABULARY It is important to increase your vocabulary in English. Every day you should learn 10 new words. Vocabulary means not only different words but also different forms of these words - the Adjective Noun Verb and Adverb forms. It is also a good idea to try to increase the words you know in particular topic areas so that you can discuss a range of topics. Organisation of vocabulary is important too. When learning new vocabulary a student of English needs to be aware of the several aspects of Vocabulary. STUDY TIPS It is easier to remember words linked to a particular topic. So when learning more vocabulary learn words in topic areas and also learn word forms. In IELTS Writing there are two tasks Task 1 and Task 2. It is important to use words that are more formal sophisticated and accurate in your writing for IELTS. Every day try to learn and master at least 10 new words and review these words frequently. Vocabulary consists of 1. Word Forms - the Adjective Noun Verb and Adverb forms. Words change their form depending on their function in a sentence. 2. Pronunciation Stress - in a word with several syllables which syllable carries the main stress Stress conveys meaning. 3. Register - some words are more formal and more appropriate than others. One must choose the most appropriate word for the context. 4. Word choice - synonyms words with similar meaning opposites paraphrase describing something using a few words . Use a variety of vocabulary choices. 5. Organisation - organise your word lists meaningfully and develop strategies for remembering new words. This will help you consolidate and extend your vocabulary. o INSEARCH 0 ậ TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY Page 1 of 18 -It- 3 IW t comb udyHi STUDY ENGLISH IELTS PREPARATION 1. Word Forms In English the form of a word can change sometimes quite significantly when that word is used as an Adjective or Noun Verb or Adverb. .