Hơn nữa, một loạt các như changesÐfrom DSM-III DSM-III-R DSM-IV DSM-V, mất uy tín exampleÐrisks toàn bộ quá trình phân loại tâm thần. Do đó, nhiều quyết định khó khăn về sự cân bằng về lợi thế và bất lợi sẽ được yêu cầu. Bởi vì những nhược điểm của những thay đổi nhỏ sẽ được đáng kể như những thay đổi lớn, | CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING A CLASSIFICATION IN PSYCHIATRY 21 ratings. Moreover a series of such changes from DSM-III to DSM-III-R to DSM-IV to DSM-V for example risks discrediting the whole process of psychiatric classification. Many difficult decisions about the balance of advantage and disadvantage will therefore be required. Because the disadvantages of minor changes will generally be as substantial as those of major changes there ought in our view to be a prejudice against minor changes even if this results among other things in perpetuating irritating differences between the ICD and DSM definitions of some individual disorders 48 . Perhaps the greatest weakness of DSM-IV and ICD-10 is their classification of personality disorders. Both provide a heterogeneous set of categories of disorder and in both cases individual patients commonly meet the criteria for two or three of these categories simultaneously. As there is much evidence that human personality is continuously variable and all contemporary classifications of the variation in normal personality are dimensional there is a strong case for a dimensional classification of personality disorders and it is possible that this will be provided by DSM-V. Evolution of Concepts and the Language of Psychiatry It is important to maintain awareness of the fact that most of psychiatry s disease concepts are merely working hypotheses and their diagnostic criteria are provisional. The present evolutionary classification in biology would never have been developed if the concept of species had been defined in rigid operational terms with strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. The same may be true of complex psychobiological entities like psychiatric disorders. Perhaps both extremes a totally unstructured approach to diagnosis and a rigid operationalization should be avoided. Defining a middle range of operational specificity which would be optimal for stimulating critical thinking in clinical research but also rigorous .