Một số bác sĩ tâm thần sinh học và các nhà thần kinh học đã đề nghị thay thế xác định lại các rối loạn tâm thần để tương ứng với các biến được định nghĩa ở một mức độ phân tử. Hy vọng cho tính khả thi của phương pháp tiếp cận từ dưới lên | 82 PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSIS AND CLASSIFICATION for discrete boundaries between disorders is lacking despite strenuous efforts to devise improved criteria and to develop laboratory markers for diagnostic confirmation. MOLECULAR OR BOTTOM-UP STRATEGIES TO CLASSIFICATION Some biological psychiatrists and neuroscientists have suggested the alternative of redefining mental disorders to correspond to variables defined at a molecular level. Hope for the feasibility of this bottom-up approach is based on the assumption of a linear chain of development from individual differences at a molecular level to a cellular level and then from the cellular level to physiological and behavioral levels 27 . This reduction of behavioral variability to diagnosis based on molecular variants would be possible if and only if there is linear development from molecular genetic determinants up to clinical variation. However it is already clear that that development is extremely non-linear and involves complex gene-gene and gene-environment interactions that are not predictable at the molecular level even with information about initial conditions 19 28 . In brief the development of mental disorders is the consequence of a complex nonlinear epigenesis from genotype to phenotype. In fact there is not sufficient information in the entire genome to explain the information content of neural connections in the adult human brain 29 . This is simply another way of saying that cognitive and neural development are experiencedependent and cannot be reduced to genetic molecular or cellular factors alone 30 31 . Perhaps there are intermediate levels of molecular development that are more informative but it is doubtful that laboratory tests at a molecular level can be sufficient to define clinical phenomena. This statement is justified for the exact same reason that top-down strategies are inadequate any molecular variant simply lacks the necessary information content to define specific phenotypic features in .