Trong xem xét, kỳ họp 2 bài tập về nhà Carole phát hiện ra rằng trong 75% các mục có một sự tương đồng giữa nội dung của các tiếng nói và suy nghĩ của riêng mình. Ngay cả trong 25% trường hợp không có sự tương đồng trực tiếp, | 116 COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY FOR PSYCHOSIS Session 3 In reviewing the Session 2 homework Carole found that in 75 of entries there was a similarity between the content of the voices and her own thoughts. Even in the 25 of cases where there was no direct similarity Carole was able to see that the differences related to merely a difference in topic under consideration rather than a completely different opinion to her own. This helped to support the notion that her brain was doing this to her rather than some external person regardless of how real the voices sounded. Carole also found the rational responses helpful. In fact she made herself two copies of the card so that she could leave one in her handbag have one in the bedroom and the original. She read the cards when she was concerned that the voices were threatening to hurt her and found that the most helpful was the response about the voices never actually harming her despite many threats. Carole revealed that since the second session she had been doing all sorts of things that she would not normally do. This had included going swimming and having friends around. Inspired by the progress she had been making Carole had decided to try to get rid of some of her emotional baggage and was eventually going to get a divorce fromher husband. To try to enhance Carole s understanding of her symptoms and in the process to help her to see the additional benefits of medication as a stress reducer if for no other purpose the stress-vulnerability hypothesis was discussed. The rationale was that if Carole understood that many people experience hallucinations when subject to sufficient stress and of course she recognised that she had been subject to stress it was hoped that she would be even more sure that her voices were caused by her brain making errors rather than her parents giving her instructions via some as yet unknown mechanism. At Carole s request a rational response tape was created with the voice of the therapist .