PART TWO RESPONSE RESOURCES © 1998 by CRC Press LLC PART TWO PESTICIDE AND CHEMICAL TABLES AND GUIDES Part Two will provide the information required to apply, store, and dispose of specific pesticides and other hazardous chemicals properly. This information can be obtained from the following three tables and the pesticide and chemical guides. Emergency response guidelines can be found in the guides. These guidelines will enable the reader to handle emergency incidents that require a quick, accurate, and safe response. I. TABLES USAGE There are three important tables in Part Two. The first of these is Table 1. This table lists the trade names or. | PART TWO RESPONSE RESOURCES 1998 by CRC Press LLC PART TWO PESTICIDE AND CHEMICAL TABLES AND GUIDES Part Two will provide the information required to apply store and dispose of specific pesticides and other hazardous chemicals properly. This information can be obtained from the following three tables and the pesticide and chemical guides. Emergency response guidelines can be found in the guides. These guidelines will enable the reader to handle emergency incidents that require a quick accurate and safe response. I. TABLES USAGE There are three important tables in Part Two. The first of these is Table 1. This table lists the trade names or brands of pesticides of current importance alphabetically. The user of a specific product would look up the product s trade or brand name in Table 1. For example specific information is needed on the product AAtrex. From this table you would learn that the common name of the active ingredient in the product is atrazine. Important information on its health hazards recommended handling and storage precautions PPE and emergency guidelines could be found by referring to Pesticide Guide 61. The manufacturer s name is Ciba-Geigy the type of pest contol product . herbicide and the other formulations available containing this active ingredient. Further information could be obtained by using the CAS Number . the Chemical Abstract Service Number in selected references. These references include Sax s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials the Chris Manual and RTECs etc. Table 2 provides the reader with other important information. Using the common name you can identify the family or group of chemicals that your chemical of concern belongs to or is derived from. If your product is not listed in this table using the chemical or common name you can find other products with the same active ingredient and use their guide number. Table 3 lists alphabetically the chemicals that are important to users of pesticides. These chemicals may .