Quá trình thực hiện Chuẩn bị một EIS Quá trình này có thể là một thời gian dài và tốn kém. Nhận thức được nhược điểm này, các quy định đã được thực hiện bởi hầu hết các cơ quan liên bang để tăng tốc độ quá trình NEPA bằng cách hạn chế việc chuẩn bị của một EIS những trường hợp tác động tiêu cực có thể xảy ra. Trong phần đầu của chương này, chúng tôi sẽ mô tả ngắn gọn quá trình trước EIS phục vụ cho việc loại bỏ nhiều hành động thường xuyên của liên bang. | 3 The Process of Preparing an EIS This process can be a lengthy and expensive one. Recognizing this drawback provisions have been made by most federal agencies to speed up the NEPA process by limiting the preparation of an EIS to those cases where negative impacts are likely to occur. In the first part of this chapter we will briefly describe the pre-EIS process that serves to eliminate many routine federal actions from the need for an EIS. That discussion will be followed by a discussion of the steps that should be taken in preparing an EIS. PRE-EIS SCREENING There are a number of different approaches taken by federal agencies to making a decision as to whether or not an EIS should be performed. The two that are obvious are 1. Exemption by law for example for security purposes. 2. Emergencies for example national defense actions such as Desert Storm. The most common other type is discussed below. Categorical Exclusion CX Many federal actions are of a routine nature and generate no significant impacts on the environment. Thus moving an office from one floor to another in the same building would be an example of this type of action. To illustrate this we present below a list of 29 such actions as developed by the . Department of the Army DA based on the following criteria Minimal or no individual or cumulative effect on environmental quality. No environmentally controversial change to existing environmental conditions. Similar to actions previously examined and found to meet the preceding criteria. The DA list of categorical exclusions CX as cited in Appendix A of AR 200-2 as of 1996 includes the following 1. Normal personnel fiscal and administrative activities involving military and civilian personnel. 1999 by CRC Press LLC 2. Law and order activities performed by military policy and physical plant protection and security personnel. 3. Recreation and welfare activities not involving off-road recreational vehicle management. 4. Commissary and Post .