Sự kiên trì và Fate của các chất ô nhiễm hóa chất hữu cơ 6,1 GIỚI THIỆU các loại khác nhau và các hình thức của các tương tác xảy ra giữa các hóa chất hữu cơ (các chất ô nhiễm) và các phần phân đoạn đất khác nhau sẽ tham gia vào việc xác định số phận của những chất gây ô nhiễm. Những tương tác này có thể phức tạp hơn những người trước đây được mô tả trong sự tương tác giữa các chất ô nhiễm vô cơ và các phần phân đoạn đất. Trong đất bị ô. | CHAPTER 6 Persistence and Fate of Organic Chemical Pollutants INTRODUCTION Various kinds and forms of interactions occurring between organic chemicals as pollutants and the various soil fractions will participate in the determination of the fate of these pollutants. These interactions can be more complex than those previously described in interactions between inorganic pollutants and soil fractions. In soils contaminated by organic chemicals the additional factor of microbial presence needs to be considered. Biotic redox plays a significant role in the determination of the persistence and fate of organic chemical pollutants. Since these chemicals are generally susceptible to degradation by biotic processes determination of the fate of the pollutant chemicals is most often considered in terms of the resistance to degradation of the pollutants and or their products. When evidence shows that a particular organic pollutant resists biodegradation the pollutant is identified as a recalcitrant organic chemical pollutant and the study of the fate of the pollutant includes determination of the persistence of the pollutant see Section for the definitions of recalcitrance and persistence. The difficulties in seeking to determine the various abiotic and biotic processes responsible for pollutant fate and persistence lies not only with the means and methods for analyses but also with the various dynamics of the problem. Whilst the records of numerous field studies show the presence of both organic and inorganic pollutants co-existing in a contaminated site determination of the fate of these pollutants has generally focused on inorganic and organic chemicals as separate pollutants in the site. It is only recently that more detailed consideration has been given to the influence of one . inorganic on the other organic chemicals in respect to control of the fate of these pollutants. In the strictest sense the persistence and fate of organic chemical pollutants in the .