Số lượng hoặc khối lượng của không khí. Q yếu tố Xem yếu tố chất lượng. Q sốt rickettsial Sự nhiễm trùng thường thấy trong xử lý thịt và chăn nuôi. Có thể được ký hợp đồng khi hít phải các hạt bụi bị nhiễm sinh vật truyền nhiễm. Các sinh vật được tìm thấy trong da cừu và gia súc. Đó là truyền nhiễm giữa con người và các triệu chứng của nó bao gồm sốt hay đột ngột, ớn lạnh, nhức đầu, đau cơ, và ho. QA Xem đảm bảo chất lượng. QC Xem chương trình kiểm soát. | Vincoli Jeffrey W. Q-Z Lewis Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health Edited by Jeffrey W. Vincoli Boca Raton CRC Press LLC 2000 Q Q Quantity or volume of air. Q factor See quality factor. Q fever An rickettsial infection often seen among meat and livestock handlers. Can be contracted by inhalation of dust particles that are infected with the infectious organism. The organisms are found in the hides of sheep and cattle. It is contagious between humans and its symptoms include sudden hay fever chills headache muscle pain and coughing. QA See quality assurance. QC See quality control program and quality circle. QLFT Qualitative fit test. QNFT Quantitative fit test. quack A pretender to medical skill which he she does not possess. One who practices as a physician or surgeon without adequate experience or due qualification. quad map A topographic map with an approximate scale of one inch to 2 000 feet shows physical features such as wetlands water bodies roadways mines and buildings. quadrant 1 One-fourth of the circumference of a circle. 2 An angular dissection of ninety degrees. 3 One of the quarters created by two intersecting lines roads streets vectors etc. 4 One of four corresponding parts or quarters as of the surface of the abdomen or of the field of vision. quadrantanopia Loss of vision in one fourth of the visual field. quadriceps Having four heads. quadriceps femoris muscle A muscle group on the anterior thigh consisting of four muscles which flex the hip and extend the knee rectus femoris vastus lateralis vastus medialis and vastus intermedius. Well-defined quadriceps femoris muscles of the anterior thigh quadriplegia A condition in which all four limbs are affected by paralysis. qualification The possession by an individual of the qualities properties circumstances natural or adventitious which are inherently or legally necessary to perform a task fill an office or perform a duty or function. qualification tests The required tests .