Thiếu sự biểu hiện trong các chai gãy xương có thể là do tương tác phức tạp giữa hệ thống miễn dịch, tạo máu và cơ xương khớp chưa được hiểu rõ (97) tiết cấu thành bởi các tế bào osteoblastlike trong nền văn hóa được quan sát | Fracture Repair 29 Table 1 Continued Gene expression Function Granulocyte- macrophage colony-stimulating factor GMCSF continued Macrophage colony-stimulating factor MCSF -Associated with increased fibroblast migration and collagen synthesis 115-117 -Associated with the proliferation and differentiation of granulocytic and monocyte macrophage lineages 118 -May suppress the expression of receptors for other cytokines in different cell types 97 111 -An important growth factor for development of macrophage colonies by hematopoietic tissues 121 Collagens types I II III IV V VI IX X XI -Type I collagen aids in developing cross-linkages which produce collagen fibrils that mature to collagen fibers creating regions allowing for the deposition and growth of hydroxyapatite crystals 13 -Aberrations in type III collagen production may lead to delayed union or nonunion 124 -Type IV and types I and X may aid in converting mesenchymal lineage cells into osteoblasts 128 -Type V and XI may regulate the growth and orientation of type I and type II collagen in cartilaginous and noncartilagenous tissues 129 130 -Type V collagen has been associated with blood vessels in granulation tissue 124 -Type IX may mediate interactions between collagen fibrils and proteoglycans in cartilage 40 132 -Type X collagen may play a role in the mineralization of cartilage 40 Temporal and spatial expression -May be produced from osteoblasts 102 111-114 -Lack of expression in the fracture callus may be due to complex interactions between immune hematopoietic and musculoskeletal systems not yet understood 97 -Constitutive secretion by osteoblastlike cells in culture is observed 119 120 -Type I is associated with bone type II with cartilage types III and V with granulation tissue types IV and VI with the endothelial matrix and type X with hypertrophic cartilage 123 -Mechanically stable fractures have predominately type I collagen along with types II and V 124 -Mechanically unstable fractures are .