Sơ đồ của các đường thính giác tăng dần từ ốc tai bên trái hiển thị chính hạt nhân và các kết nối bao gồm các kết nối giữa hai bên (dựa trên Ehret và Romand, năm 1997, Pathway thính giác trung ương New York: Oxford University Press, với sự cho phép từ Oxford University Press). | Chapter 5 Anatomy of the Auditory Nervous System 85 Corpus callosum Auditory cortex Brachium of Inferior colliculus Superior colliculus Medial geniculate body Commissure of Inferior colliculus Lateral lemniscus Inferior colliculus Nuclei of lateral lemniscus Cochlear nucleus Dorsal acoustic stria Commissure of Probst DCN Superior olivary complex Cochlea Trapezoid body FIGURE Schematic diagram of the ascending auditory pathways from the left cochlea showing the main nuclei and their connections including the connections between the two sides based on Ehret and Romand 1997 The Central Auditory Pathway. New York Oxford University Press with permission from Oxford University Press . consider the differences between the auditory nervous system in animals and humans. The most obvious difference between the classical auditory nervous system in humans and that of commonly used experimental animals is that the auditory nerve is much longer in humans than in animals cm 126 vs cm in the cat 59 . The fiber tracts of the ascending auditory pathways are also in general longer in man than in small animals such as the cat 59 126 158 Fig. which has the implication that the neural travel time becomes longer in humans than in the small animals commonly used in auditory research 158 205 . We can only speculate about the functional importance of these differences between the ascending auditory pathways in humans and that of animals that are commonly used in studies of the auditory system. The differences in the length of the auditory nerve and the length of the fiber tracts however are known to be important for the interpretation of auditory evoked potentials ABR see Chapter 7 . 4. NON-CLASSICAL ASCENDING AUDITORY PATHWAYS The term non-classical pathways is used in this book for the ascending auditory pathways that are different from the classical pathways. Other investigators have used other names for these pathways such as the diffuse system that relates to the