Độc tính của kim loại Quá trình felting, sử dụng trong việc đưa ra nón nhiều năm trước đây, yêu cầu sử dụng của các hợp chất đồng bóng và hatters nhiều người bị rối loạn hệ thần kinh trung ương (bao gồm cả rối loạn hành vi) kết hợp với thủy ngân độc tính. Nhiễm độc kim loại như là một bệnh nghề nghiệp có thể được 4000 năm tuổi. Chì được sản xuất như một sản phẩm của khai thác mỏ bạc từ lâu như năm 2000 trước CN Hippocrates đã mô tả đau bụng bụng trong một người. | chapter six Toxicity of metals Mad as a Hatter Introduction The process of felting employed in making hats many years ago required the use of mercurial compounds and many hatters suffered from the CNS disturbances including behavioral disorders associated with mercury toxicity. Metal intoxication as an occupational disease may be 4000 years old. Lead was produced as a by-product of silver mining as long ago as 2000 . Hippocrates described abdominal colic in a man who worked as a metal smelter in 370 . and arsenic and mercury were known to the ancients even if their toxicity was not. In 1810 a remarkable case of mass poisoning with mercury occurred. The 74-gun man-o -war HMS Triumph salvaged 130 tons of mercury from a Spanish vessel wrecked while returning from South America where the mercury had been mined. The mercury was contained in leather pouches which became damp and rotten allowing it to escape and vaporize. Within 3 weeks 200 men were affected with signs of mercury poisoning including profuse salivation weakness tremor partial paralysis ulcerations of the mouth and diarrhea. Almost all animals onboard died including mice cats a dog and a canary. Five men died. When the vessel put in at Gibraltar for cleaning all those working in the hold salivated profusely. The common nineteenth-century practice of adulterating foods and beverages wine beer etc. to increase profit led Accum to publish a treatise on the subject in 1820. Lead copper and mercury were frequently detected. Methods were not yet in place to detect arsenic which was found to be a widespread adulterant later in the century. In 1875 the British Parliament passed the first Food and Drugs Act as a result of these investigations. In the past it was common to refer to heavy metal toxicity as it was those metals that first emerged as industrial hazards. Heavy metals are arbitrarily defined as those having double-digit specific gravities and they include platinum plutonium tungsten