Một loạt các phương pháp điều trị tồn tại cho các loại chất thải hỗn hợp khác nhau hiện có và được tạo ra trong cả hai chính phủ (ví dụ như, Sở vũ khí hạt nhân của Energy phức tạp) và khu vực tư nhân (ví dụ, y tế và các ngành công nghiệp điện hạt nhân). undamental phương pháp xử lý chất thải hỗn hợp bao gồm nhiệt phá hủy, tiêu hủy nonthermal, xử lý hóa học, điều trị vật lý, xử lý để tách số thập phân hóa học cụ thể (chất phóng xạ và / hoặc. | Chapter Six Stabilization and Solidification Technologies 2001 by CRC Press LLC Overview of Mixed Waste Solidification and Stabilization Methods Vincent c. Maio Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Idaho Falls Idaho Introduction A variety of treatment methods exist for the various mixed waste types currently existing and being generated in both the government . the Department of Energy s nuclear weapons complex and private sector . the medical and nuclear power industries . Fundamental treatment methods for mixed waste consist of thermal destruction nonthermal destruction chemical treatment physical treatment treatment for separating specific chemical fractions radioactive and or nonradioactive and or immobilization through stabilization that may or may not involve thermal or solidification methods. Specific technologies to accomplish these methods include but are not limited to incineration plasma melting wet air oxidation acid digestion pH adjustment surface decontamination filtration evaporation ion exchange solvent extraction and cement grouting. In most mixed waste treatment applications combinations of two or more of the above methods are required to produce mixed waste forms acceptable for final disposal. However independent of which methods are selected a low-temperature solidification stabilization S S process is usually required to accomplish a significant step in the overall mixed waste treatment train. Its popularity is a result of its simplicity and successful treatment history because s s has been effectively used in general waste treatment since the 1950s1 and is presently identified by the Environmental Protection Agency EPA as the best-demonstrated available technology BDAT for 57 hazardous waste Specifically for mixed waste s s methods are used as either the principal and primary treatment step or are involved in treating the secondary waste produced by other mixed waste treatment processes. For example .