Phần này thảo luận về vai trò của các phương pháp hiện đại trong công nghệ xử lý chất thải hỗn hợp (MWt) như là một phần của một phương pháp tiếp cận có hệ thống tích hợp công nghệ này vào một hệ thống quản lý môi trường (EMS) hoặc một hệ thống quản lý chất lượng (QMS), với sự phát triển môi trường bền vững (ESD) A-môi trường bền vững Â-như là một mục tiêu hiệu suất. Một nền ngắn gọn trên hai tiêu chuẩn chính quốc tế (ISO 9001:1994 và ISO 14001:1996) là mẫu cho các hệ. | Chapter Nine System Integration and Deployment 2001 by CRC Press LLC The Integration of Mixed Waste Treatment into an Environmental and Quality Management System John F. Meagher The International Center for Environmental Technology INTERCET LTD McLean Virginia Introduction This section discusses the role of modern methods in mixed waste treatment MWT technology as part of a systematic approach of integrating this technology into an environmental management system EMS or a quality management system QMS with environmentally sustainable development ESD or environmental sustainability as a performance goal. A brief background on the two major international standards ISO 9001 1994 and ISO 14001 1996 as templates for quality and environmental management systems is provided. Because MWT technology is a broad area the emphasis in this section is on the planning aspects and major questions a professional should consider when deliberating the successful integration of MWT technology into an EMS and QMS. Planning aspects should encompass key areas such as human health toxicology human health risk assessment and ccotoxicologv. The principles of this section also be used for any type of waste mixed as well as non-mixed. This section will help prepare the reader so he she can choose the best MWT technology for a particular need thereby attaining or approaching environmental sustainability. Texts and references listed at the end of the section provide further detail about the QMS EMS and ESD. What Is Environmental Sustainability and its Relationship to MWT Environmental sustainability and sustainable development are terms sometimes used interchangeably. Without splitting hairs one might say that sustainable development leads to environmental sustainability. To explain more precisely what these concepts mean and how crucial they are for MWT technology a short history of their evolution is beneficial. In 1987 the United Nations . World Commission on Environment and .