Không khí điều trị cho công nghệ Situ Donald F. Kidd và Evan K. Nyer NỘI DUNG Giới thiệu Thiết kế quy định Tiêu chuẩn yêu cầu Khối lượng chất gây ô nhiễm Vòng đời phát thải tập trung cân nhắc điều trị Trích dẫn và tiện ích công nghệ Công nghệ xử lý hấp phụ-Off-Site Regenerable / Giai đoạn khí dùng một lần GAC-Site Regenerable GAC Resin hấp phụ oxy hóa dựa trên công nghệ nhiệt oxy hóa / Thiêu hủy xúc tác oxy hóa sinh học Công nghệ lọc khí Công nghệ lựa chọn Tóm tắt thông tin khí thải. | Kidd Donald F. Nyer Evan K. Air Treatment for In Situ Technologies In Situ Treatment Technology Boca Raton CRC Press LLC 2001 CHAPTER 6 Air Treatment for In Situ Technologies Donald F. Kidd and Evan K. Nyer CONTENTS Introduction Design Criteria Regulatory Requirements Mass of Contaminants Lifecycle Emission Concentration Citing and Utility Considerations Treatment Technologies Adsorption-Based Treatment Technologies Off-Site Regenerable Disposable Gas Phase GAC On-Site Regenerable GAC Resin Adsorption Systems Oxidation-Based Technologies Thermal Oxidation Incineration Catalytic Oxidation Biological Technologies Scrubbers Technology Selection Summary Emission Control Case Study Site Description Remedial Approach Emission Control Design Basis Alternatives Evaluation System Performance References 2001 CRC Press LLC INTRODUCTION In Chapter 1 we introduced the concept that most in situ treatment processes were simply a switch from water to air as the carrier. This chapter will look at treating the air carrier as it is brought above-ground. Above-ground vapor treatment of emissions from soil vapor extraction air sparging and air stripping applications often represents the largest portion of the overall cost of implementing these technologies. Figure 1 represents a pie chart of overall project costs associated with a vapor extraction system which operates for 3 years at a vapor recovery rate of 300 cfm and a declining influent concentration from 2 000 ppm hydrocarbon vapors to 5 ppm over the project lifetime. It is assumed that vapors are treated using catalytic oxidation for the first two years and that granular activated carbon GAC is used for treatment during the last year of treatment. Figure 1 shows that air emission control and O M related costs might be over 50 percent of overall project costs. Due to the magnitude of air emission control costs the design engineer must carefully evaluate and select the most appropriate technology. Control technology selection must