Chất thải nguy hại nhân viên y tế và an toàn MỤC TIÊU Hoàn thành chương này, sinh viên • Hiểu biết về các loại của các mối nguy hiểm có thể gặp phải của người lao động trên các trang web chất thải nguy hại. • Hãy làm quen với hành động và biện pháp phòng ngừa có thể có hoặc phải được thực hiện để giảm thiểu tác động của những mối nguy hiểm, trong cả hai thói quen và điều kiện khẩn cấp. • Hãy làm quen với yêu cầu quy định để bảo vệ sức khỏe người lao. | t r Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety OBJECTIVES At completion of this chapter the student should Understand the types of hazards that may be encountered by workers on hazardous waste sites. Be familiar with actions and preventive measures that may or should be taken to minimize impacts of those hazards during both routine and emergency conditions. Be familiar with regulatory requirements for protection of worker health and safety on hazardous waste sites. INTRODUCTION Item Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich proposes penalties of 1 597 000 against Rhone-Poulenc AG Co. of Institute West Virginia for violations of the OSHA Chemical Process Safety Standard and the Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response Standard. One worker was killed and two others sustained lung and skin injuries as a result of a fire and explosion on August 18 1993. From OSHA News Release February 17 1994. Item Cedric Jackson a concrete finisher decided to make a little extra money to support his wife and four children by helping Jerry Martin remove two 10 000 gallon tanks from Martin s Automotive Shop property. A Florida Department of Environmental Regulation official had earlier advised Martin to contact a pollution specialty contractor to remove the fuel from the tanks dismantle the system and remove the tanks. Instead Martin hired Jackson who had never worked on underground storage tanks at 5 per hour to undertake the project. Jackson either slipped or was thrown between the tanks when one of the tanks rolled. It took fire and rescue teams more than five hours to secure the tanks and remove Jackson s body from beneath the concrete anchor in the muddy fuel-contaminated tank hole. From Petroleum Equipment Institute Tulsaletter July 28 1992. 2001 by CRC Press LLC Item Workers using organic solvents and detergents to remove polychlorinated biphenyl contamination from a poorly ventilated factory basement experienced grossly abnormal neurologic symptoms. One worker developed headache memory .