Đánh giá Site Khai hoang Giới thiệu Chương này là có liên quan với các vấn đề cụ thể của việc đánh giá hiệu quả của việc thu hồi của một trang web đó đã bị một số thiệt hại môi trường. Một ví dụ về các loại tình huống được coi là một trang web được sử dụng cho khai thác mỏ trong quá khứ và một cơ quan chính phủ hiện nay đòi hỏi rằng các công ty khai mỏ cải thiện trạng thái của trang web cho đến khi sinh khối của khu vực thảm thực vật. | CHAPTER 7 Assessing Site Reclamation Introduction This chapter is concerned with the specific problem of evaluating the effectiveness of the reclamation of a site that has suffered from some environmental damage. An example of the type of situation to be considered is where a site has been used for mining in the past and a government agency now requires that the mining company improve the state of the site until the biomass of vegetation per unit area is similar to what is found on an undamaged reference site. There are some difficulties with treating this problem using a classical test of significance. These are discussed in the next section of the chapter. An alternative approach that has gained support from some environmental scientists and managers is to use the concept of bioequivalence for comparing the sites. Much of the chapter is concerned with how this alternative approach can be applied. Problems with Tests of Significance At first sight it might seem that it is a straightforward problem to decide whether two sites are similar in terms of something like the biomass of vegetation and that this can be dealt with in the following manner. The damaged site should be improved until it appears to be similar to the reference site. Random sample quadrats should then be taken from each of the sites and the mean biomass calculated. If the two means are not significantly different then the two sites are declared to be similar . Unfortunately as noted in Example which was concerned with this type of problem there are two complications with this obvious approach It is unreasonable to suppose that the damaged and reference sites would have had exactly the same mean for the study variable even in the absence of any impact on the damaged site. Therefore if large samples are taken from each site there will be a high probability of detecting a difference irrespective of the extent to 2001 by Chapman Hall CRC which the damaged site has been reclaimed. Hence the