Điều quan trọng là xem xét các lĩnh vực của các giá trị, nhận thức, và đạo đức rủi ro môi trường ra quyết định từ tất cả các điểm thuận lợi khác nhau của kỷ luật, đặc sản, và những thành kiến trong xã hội của chúng tôi. Sự phức tạp của phạm vi các yếu tố đầu vào để đưa ra quyết định là phản ánh xã hội của chúng tôi và cũng có trong tài liệu này. Phần này giới thiệu như thế nào vấn đề này được nhìn từ ba đặc biệt thuận lợi điểm. Ba lĩnh vực cụ thể được. | SECTION Commentary 1996 by CRC Press LLC INTRODUCTION 23 TO THE COMMENTARY SECTION c. Richard Cothern It is important to consider the areas of values perceptions and ethics in environmental risk decision making from all the different vantage points of disciplines specialties and biases in our society. The complexity of the range of inputs to decision making is reflective of our society and also in this volume. This section showcases how this problem is viewed from three particular vantage points. The three particular areas presented here are a provider of financial and moral support for research a former Congressman representing the political and public views and a long-time observer of our society from academe and originator of the concept of bioethics. There are several emerging social science areas involving research that involve values and value judgments. These include among others risks due to natural or physical phenomena risks created by social systems . due to human error or mismanagement and risks of destruction of disease to animals plants or ecosystems. A further dimension of research in this area is that applied or practical ethics is becoming part of the federal discussion of risk in research and development R D budget discussions. Recent work in biotechnology and risk assessment in particular have been involving more aspects of social science and ethics. Scientists tend to isolate themselves from the world of civic and political activity. Further there is a gulf of ignorance between scientific community on the one hand and public officials the media and public on the other hand. Some perceptions of a scientist are evil genius absent-minded unable to cope with the real world and politics corrupt sex fiend power hungry or willing to sell his grandmother to accomplish his goals. These perceptions prevent effective communication of the real values and value judgments underlying decisions in the environmental area and perhaps in other areas as well. .