Trong chương này, chúng tôi tập trung vào các hoạt động xử lý nước và các đơn vị khác nhau quá trình hiện đang được sử dụng để điều trị liệu nguồn nước trước khi nó được phân phối cho người dùng. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi tập trung vào những lý do cho xử lý nước và cơ bản lý thuyết liên quan đến quá trình điều trị đơn vị cá nhân. Hệ thống xử lý nước được cài đặt để loại bỏ những vật liệu gây ra bệnh và tạo ra phiền hà. Ở cấp độ đơn giản nhất, mục tiêu cơ bản của xử lý. | t 7 Water Treatment Operations and Unit Processes Municipal water treatment operations and associated treatment unit processes are designed to provide reliable high quality water service for customers and to preserve and protect the environment for future generations. Water management officials and treatment plant operators are tasked with exercising responsible financial management ensuring fair rates and charges providing responsive customer service providing a consistent supply of safe potable water for consumption by the user and promoting environmental responsibility. INTRODUCTION In this chapter we focus on water treatment operations and the various unit processes currently used to treat raw source water before it is distributed to the user. In addition we focus on the reasons for water treatment and the basic theories associated with individual treatment unit processes. Water treatment systems are installed to remove those materials that cause disease and create nuisances. At its simplest level the basic goal of water treatment operations is to protect public health with a broader goal to provide potable and palatable water. The water treatment process functions to provide water that is safe to drink and is pleasant in appearance taste and odor. In this text we define water treatment as any unit process that changes or alters the chemical physical and bacteriological quality of water with the purpose of making it safe for human consumption and appealing to the customer. Treatment also is used to protect the water distribution system components from corrosion. Many water treatment unit processes are commonly used today. Treatment processes used depend upon the evaluation of the nature and quality of the particular water to be treated and the desired quality of the finished water. In water treatment unit processes employed to treat raw water one thing is certain as new . Environmental Protection Agency EPA regulations take effect many more processes .