nh hưởng của cấu trúc Mosaic Cảnh về đa dạng thực vật hoang dã và các cộng đồng động vật trong các cảnh quan nông nghiệp của Ba Lan Theo ý kiến hiện hành, hoạt động nông nghiệp loại bỏ nhiều thực vật hoang dã và các loài động vật và là một trong những hành động của con người mà nguồn tài nguyên sinh nghèo nàn. Những nỗ lực để tiêu diệt bất kỳ đối thủ cạnh tranh thực vật và kết quả sâu, bệnh cho cây trồng trong đơn giản hóa rất lớn của cộng đồng sinh học trong. | CHAPTER 8 Influence of Landscape Mosaic Structure on Diversity of Wild Plant and Animal Communities in Agricultural Landscapes of Poland Lech Ryszkowski Jerzy Karg Krzysztof Kujawa Hanna Goldyn and Ewa Arczynska-Chudy CONTENTS Introduction Impoverishment of Plant Communities Resulting from Agriculture Plant Species Richness in the Agricultural Landscape Influence of Agriculture on Animals Abundance and Diversity of Animal Communities in an Agricultural Landscape Prospects for the Biological Diversity Management in Agricultural Landscapes References INTRODUCTION According to prevailing opinion agricultural activity eliminates many wild plant and animal species and is among those human actions that impoverish living resources. Attempts to eradicate any plant competitors and the pests and pathogens to cultivars result in enormous simplification of biotic communities in cultivated fields. Each year many new chemicals are used to control organisms menacing crops. In order to obtain predictive and increasingly higher yields farmers control soil 2002 by CRC Press LLC moisture and its pH irrigate fields introduce fertilizers level earth surface and shape fields. All those efforts together with frequent tillage and other kinds of farmer interference in agroecosystem structures and processes change the living conditions of many wild organisms and often lead to their disappearance. Intensification of agriculture also leads to alteration of countryside structure. Simplification of crop rotation patterns due to increasing specialization of plant production and formation of large fields to facilitate mechanization of work are frequently observed. Eradication of patches of mid-field forests shelterbelts rows of mid-field trees hedges field margins stretches of meadows and riparian vegetation strips is performed on a large scale during field consolidation. Drainage of mid-field small wetlands or small ponds also leads to the simplification of the agricultural landscape structure.