Nông nghiệp và Sinh thái Cảnh quan Có thể lập luận rằng mục tiêu cho nông nghiệp vốn khác nhau từ những người bảo vệ thiên nhiên, và, do đó, nó là không khôn ngoan khi dựa vào việc quản lý nông nghiệp của đất như là phương tiện chính cho bảo vệ môi trường. Khi năng suất nông nghiệp mở rộng, cảnh quan thiên nhiên được chuyển đổi cảnh quan nông thôn bao gồm các lĩnh vực trồng, đồng cỏ, các khu định cư và các bản vá lỗi của môi trường sống nonarable. Nông dân, đến một mức. | CHAPTER 16 Agriculture and Landscape Ecology Lech Ryszkowski CONTENTS Overview The New Common Agricultural Policy CAP Sustainable Agriculture Landscape Management in Development of Sustainable Agriculture Conclusion References OVERVIEW It can be argued that objectives for agriculture are inherently different from those for nature protection and therefore it is unwise to rely on the agricultural management of land as the primary means for environmental protection. As agricultural productivity expanded natural landscapes were converted to rural landscapes composed of cultivated fields pastures settlements and patches of nonarable habitats. Farmers to a great extent have been responsible for the development and stewardship of the landscape. Agricultural activity is focused on production therefore all available resources were used to maximize yields. This attitude led to neglecting the importance of all nonproductive elements of the rural landscape and because of a lack of knowledge resulted in the widespread treatment of small patches of wetlands mid-field ponds hedges groves and so on as idlelands or habitats of no use. There seems to be little question that because of this attitude as cultivated fields were developed to increase production many nonproductive landscape elements were eradicated leading to landscape uniformity. When the intensification of agricultural production increased to the point that the landscape s capacities to buffer 2002 by CRC Press LLC the side effects from farming were overcome which was facilitated by loss of landscape diversity environmental threats started to appear. Accelerated rates of water and wind erosion diffuse pollution of water reservoirs lowered ground water levels increased frequency of floods broader variation in microclimatic factors outbreaks of crop pests and many other phenomena brought by farming intensification began to be observed worldwide. Two reports on changes in the European environment Stanners and Bourdeau 1995