đa hình trao an Nguy cơ gia increase bệnh primary route, but Nguy cơ will be Gain bởi chế độ ăn Uống, bèo phí ngheo, và thiếu tập thể dục. Since vậy, the gen make-up có thể affect như thế nào the sinh vật sẽ phản ứng với environment ngay set tức. Tương tự, như we ta sẽ thấy, | 93 An experiment of history linked to records about their birth their growth in childhood their schooling and of course their subsequent health and disease. As these data relate essentially to the whole population the analyses that can be conducted are very sensitive and even small effects which might not be present in smaller samples become clear in such large populations. As it turned out however the data from Finland did not show small effects at all. Indeed they demonstrated very large effects. Importantly they showed that the blood pressure-birth weight relationship while present was even stronger when restricted to those individuals with clinical hypertension. But for those working in medical research outside the USA it sometimes appears that nothing in medical science becomes properly accepted until it has been Americanised. American medical research is so dominant that until similar data are found in North America it is unlikely to be accepted as mainstream. One problem was that perinatal science and the fetal origins field had been dominated by non-Americans. Then in 1998 a study was published involving an analysis of the health of some 100 000 American nurses. It turned out that blood pressure in nurses was predicted by birth weight the world s biggest powerhouse of medical research could no longer ignore the phenomenon. So much for Western countries where the diseases of affluence such as coronary heart disease are relatively common. What about looking at the problem the other way round - to examine the story in countries where birth weight itself is low Since these countries are usually relatively poor the incidence of coronary heart disease will be low although it is rising where the countries are undergoing rapid transition to a Western diet. Do the ideas about developmental origins of disease still apply Studies were therefore conducted in the Indian sub-continent. Here the average birth weight is almost a kilogram lighter than in the UK. Nonetheless