Quốc gia mô hình sử dụng và hiệu quả của các chất ức chế angiotensinconverting enzyme ở những bệnh nhân lớn tuổi bị suy tim và rối loạn chức năng tâm thu thất trái. Lưu hành. 2004; 110:724-731 | CHAPTER 2 THE EPIDEMIC OF HEART FAILURE 19 40. Masoudi FA Rathore SS Wang Y et al. National patterns of use and effectiveness of angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors in older patients with heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Circulation. 2004 110 724-731. 41. Smith NL Chan JD Rea TD et al. Time trends in the use of S-blockers and other pharmacotherapies in older adults with congestive heart failure. Am Heart J. 2004 148 710-717. 42. Masoudi FA Gross CP Wang Y et al. Adoption of spironolactone therapy for older patients with heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in the United States 1998-2001. Circulation. 2005 112 39-47. This page intentionally left blank CHAPTER 3 What Causes Heart Failure Alexander R. Lyon ma BM BCh MRCP Philip a. Poole-Wilson MD FRCP FMedSci Different Syndromes Referred to as Heart Failure and Fundamental Coronary Heart Disease Acute Coronary Heart Disease Left Ventricular Other Conditions Causing Reduced Coronary Blood Valve Primary Disease of Cardiac Muscle the Hypertrophic Restrictive INTRODUCTION Heart failure is a clinical entity diagnosed by doctors. The key features of the syndrome are an abnormality of the heart and the presence of symptoms typically tiredness and shortness of breath which is worse on exercise. Heart failure is common becoming more common can be easily diagnosed is detectable and effective treatments are available. Death in heart failure occurs most commonly as a result of a cardiac event such as an arrhythmia sudden death ischemia of the heart muscle . myocardial infarction heart attack or decompensated heart failure. Thus the natural history of heart failure begins and ends with the heart Fig. 3-1 . But almost all of the clinical characteristics of patients with heart failure result from persistent stimulation of .