Trong khi SD-Ag cung cấp một mức độ phòng ngừa nhiễm trùng vết mổ, nó làm như vậy tại các chi phí tái tạo vết thương và sửa chữa mô bởi vì SD-Ag ức chế quá trình phục hồi này khỏe mạnh. Trong một nỗ lực để giảm thiểu hậu quả tiêu cực của SD-Ag tái tạo mô, thay đổi SD-Ag ứng dụng được phát triển | and scarring of the wound. While SD-Ag offers a degree of prevention of wound infection it does so at the expense of wound regeneration and tissue repair because SD-Ag inhibits these healthy recovery processes. In an effort to reduce the negative consequences of SD-Ag on tissue regeneration a modification of SD-Ag application was developed whereby more frequent applications in an occlusive manner strove to enhance the retention of tissue moisture. However when SD-Ag cream has been used at an increased frequency to avoid wound desiccation many disadvantages occur including toxicity and other side effects of using SD-Ag have been reported. These include transient leukopenia sulfonamide hypersensitivity and kernicterus argyria local reactions of burning itching and skin rash delayed separation of burn eschar and regeneration of epithelial cells resulting in an increase of scar formation increase of bacterial resistance etc. The pharmacological mechanism of MEBO to treat burns wounds is completely different from SD-Ag. MEBO can promote the regeneration of survival viable skin tissue and cells then accelerate wound healing by keeping burns wounds in a three-dimensional physiological moist environment while simultaneously facilitating the liquefaction and discharge of necrotic tissues without causing further injury to viable tissue. MEBO achieves its infection control by means of enhancing the resistance of local tissue to infection in the context of an environment which is no longer conducive to bacterial colonization and proliferation. Rather than exercising a direct bactericidal action MEBO changes the biological characteristics and decreases the toxicity and invasive activity of bacteria. Therefore we selected SD-Ag as a control to clarify the irrefutably superior therapeutic effects of MEBO as compared to the industry s standards. Effects of MEBO on Burns Wounds Management According to the results of this trial MEBO promotes burns wound healing for each depth of .