Vết rạch Các đường hầm hoặc các dấu hiệu thuốc nhuộm trên các trang web được đề nghị của vết rạch hỗ trợ trong việc sắp xếp các da đầu trong quá trình đóng cửa. Đầu tiên được thực hiện trong các dấu hiệu đường giữa và sau đó được thực hiện theo chiều ngang ở khoảng cách xấp xỉ | Step 3. Incision Cross hatches or dye markings across the proposed site of incision assist in properly aligning the scalp during closure. The first is made in the midline and subsequent marks are made laterally at approximately equal distances from the midline Fig. 6-10 . Crosshatches made with a scalpel tip should be deep enough until bleeding so that their location is visible at the end of the surgical procedure. The initial portion of the incision is made with a no. 10 blade or special diathermy knife extending from one superior temporal line to the other. For routine coronal exposure the incision is made through skin subcutaneous tissue and galea see Fig. 6-10 revealing the subgaleal plane of loose areolar connective tissue overlying the pericranium. The flap margin may be rapidly and easily lifted and dissected above the pericranium. Limiting the initial incision through the temporalis fascia into the temporalis musculature which bleeds freely. The skin incision below the superior temporal line should be to the depth of the glistening superficial layer of temporalis fascia. This depth is into the subgaleal plane continuous with the dissection above the superior temporal line. An easy method to ensure that the incision is made to the proper depth is to bluntly dissect in the subgaleal plane from above toward the zygomatic arch with curved scissors and incising to that depth Fig . 6-11 . Preauricular extension of the incision is within a preauricular skin fold to the level of the lobule. The dissection severs the preauricular muscle and follows the cartilaginous external auditory canal similar to the dissection described in Chapter 12. 74 Figure 6- 10 Draping of the patient and the initial incision. The drapes are secured with staples and or sutures just posterior to the location of the planned incision. Cross-hatches are scored into the scalp at several locations for realignment of the flap during closure. The initial incision extends from one superior temporal