Nếu quyết định được thực hiện để sửa chữa một chấn thương canalicular duy nhất, sau đó điều này nên được thực hiện bằng cách sử dụng kính hiển vi điều hành. 8 / 0 khâu Vicryl được sử dụng để mô phỏng kết thúc của canaliculus trong một silicone 1mm ống đỡ động mạch, | PLASTIC and ORBITAL SURGERY repair which compromises the function of the undamaged canaliculus should be contemplated. If the decision is made to repair a single canalicular injury then this should be carried out using the operating microscope. 8 0 Vicryl sutures are used to approximate the ends of the canaliculus over a 1mm silicone stent which is sutured to the lid margin and removed after two canaliculus must be regularly dilated to keep it open. Although this method has the advantage of not involving the uninjured canaliculus Welham points out that it is unlikely to remain patent and carries the risk of producing lid distortion and ectropion. In the light of these considerations the following recommendations are made. Bicanalicular lacerations should be repaired using an intubation technique but the patient must be warned that post operative stenosis is likely and that this may subsequently require conjunctivo-dacryocystorhinostomy DCR with placement of a Pyrex tube. Single canalicular lacerations can be dealt with safely by accurately repairing the eyelid ensuring apposition to the globe and marsupialising the distal segment of the transected canaliculus in the wound using a three-snip procedure. The marsupialised area can be held open by placing 8 0 Vicryl sutures. Common canalicular lacerations are dealt with by carrying out a primary canaliculo-DCR with intubation. Lacrimal sac lacerations are treated by a DCR Dacryocystorhinostomy with intubation as a primary procedure. Indications for primary removal of globe Primary enucleation to prevent the development of sympathetic ophthalmia is no longer advocated. Where possible the injured 12 eye should undergo accurate primary repair until the intraocular damage can be assessed in detail. Modern intraocular surgery can often salvage severely damaged eyes. If there is no visual potential after an ocular perforating injury the ocular inflammatory reaction does not settle down rapidly or the eye has been .