Không khí vi sinh vật học từ lâu đã thu hút một số vi sinh học môi trường. Mối quan tâm tiểu học đã được sự lây lan của các vi khuẩn gây bệnh trong không khí. Ban đầu, người ta tin rằng các bệnh lây truyền qua không khí. Một khi nó đã được chứng minh rằng hầu hết các mầm bệnh vi khuẩn không thể tồn tại rất lâu, tăng ít hơn nhiều trong không khí, nhiều vi sinh vật học không còn quan tâm trong không khí vi sinh. Không có nghi ngờ rằng không khí vi. | Chapter 12 AIR MICROBIOLOGY Air microbiology has long fascinated a few envhonmental microbiologists. Primary concern has been with the spread of pathogenic microbes through the air. Originally people believed that diseases were transmitted through the ah. Once it was demonstrated that most bacterial pathogens could not survive very long much less increase in the ah many microbiologist lost interest in ah microbiology. There is no doubt that air microbiology is unique requiring more imagination and creativity than water or soil microbiology. Recently interest in ah microbiology has been stimulated with the construction of relatively air-tight houses and buildings. Heating and ah conditioning systems have created environments that allow various microorganisms to survive and adversely affect the health of people. Emphasis on reuse of wastewaters in spray irrigation has raised concern over the potential spread of pathogenic organisms through the ah in fine mists. Even wastewater treatment plants are being examined as potential sources of airborne pathogens. Recently the concern has been raised that terrorists could disperse exheme pathogens through the ah. As populations increase and greater demands are made on the environment there will be additional concerns about ah microbiology. For these reasons it is important that environmental microbiologists understand ah microbiology as well as water microbiology and soil microbiology. THE AIR ENVIRONMENT Ah is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen 78 by volume nitrogen and 21 by volume oxygen. Ah also contains water vapor in varying amounts. Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker Inc. All Rights Reserved. Water vapor can help the microbes survive in the unfavorable air environment. There are also many tiny suspended particles in the air. Microorganisms are part of those suspended particles dispersed in the air. Gravity is the major force affecting the removal of suspended particles from afr. Large particles quickly settle onto