Một trong những vấn đề môi trường cấp bách nhất phải đối mặt với chất độc môi trường là có liên quan đến sự rối loạn nội tiết. Nó thường được nhận biết rằng một số hóa chất con người có thể tương tác và phá vỡ hệ thống nội tiết, và tiếp xúc với họ có thể gây ra một số hình thức của sự cố nội tiết. Do đó, họ đặt ra các vấn đề sức khỏe nghiêm trọng cho con người, động vật hoang dã, và , 2 Hóa chất có thể gây ra sự gián đoạn. | Chapter 14 Endocrine Disruption INTRODUCTION One of the most pressing environmental issues facing environmental toxicology is concerned with endocrine disruption. It is generally perceived that certain anthropogenic chemicals that can interact with and disrupt the endocrine system and that exposure to them may cause some forms of endocrine malfunction. They therefore pose serious health problems for humans wildlife and 2 Chemicals that can induce endocrine disruption are called endocrine disrupters EDs or endocrine disrupting chemicals EDCs . A broad definition of EDs is that they are exogenous chemical agents that interfere with the synthesis secretion transport binding action metabolism or elimination of natural They are a group of chemicals with diverse structures. They include chemicals used widely in the past in industry and agriculture such as organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs and chemicals that are currently in use such as plasticizers and surfactants. Many of the known EDs are estrogenic affecting reproductive functions in particular. Certain EDs are capable of mimicking the actions of progesterone whereas others are antiestrogenic or capable of acting on the thyroid. Because of the persistent and lipophilic nature of most xenobiotic estrogens and their metabolites many EDs bioaccumulate and biomagnify potentially inducing adverse effects in living organisms. REVIEW OF HORMONAL FUNCTION Before discussing specific aspects of EDs it is important to briefly review how hormones function in the body. Hormones are specific organic substances produced by the endocrine system. They are transported by body fluids and produce specific effects on the activities of cells remote from their points of origin. The hormones that have received the most attention in recent years are estrogen and androgens. Most hormones are comprised of steroid and are generally referred to as steroid hormones. These hormones are .