Các chỉ số hệ sinh thái cho Quản lý Tổng hợp Y tế cảnh quan và toàn vẹn Trong chương sau một nỗ lực được mô tả để đại diện cho nhà nước của các hệ sinh thái và cảnh quan trên một tổng thể, cơ sở các hệ thống theo định hướng. Các hướng dẫn chung cho nguồn gốc của các chỉ số hệ sinh thái bắt nguồn từ lý thuyết hệ sinh thái nhiệt động lực học, trong phân tích hệ sinh thái thực nghiệm, và trong các khái niệm về sức khỏe / toàn vẹn của hệ sinh. | CHAPTER 12 Ecosystem Indicators for the Integrated Management of Landscape Health and Integrity F. Muller In the following chapter an attempt is described to represent the state of ecosystems and landscapes on a holistic systems-oriented basis. The general guidelines for the derivation of the ecosystem indicators originate in thermodynamic ecosystem theory in empirical ecosystem analysis and in the concept of ecosystem health integrity. The respective fundamental concepts are principles of self-organization the ecological orientor approach an integration of structural and functional items and the normative idea of ecological risk prevention. These principles are explained in a first part of the chapter which leads to a presentation of the indicator set which aims at a depiction of the self-organizing capacity of ecological entities. In the second part some applications of the indicator set are shown. They refer to the ecosystem scale with a comparison of a forest ecosystem and an arable land ecosystem to the landscape scale characterizing different wetland ecosystem types in a northern German watershed and to the development of sustainable landscape management regimes in northern Fennoskandia consequences of different approaches for reindeer herding in an ecological social and economic context . Copyright 2005 by Taylor Francis INTRODUCTION Throughout the past few decades ecosystem approaches seem to have grown out of puberty For a rising number of ecologists the high complexity of ecological systems has not only become an accepted fact but also an interesting object of investigation. In parallel a successful reductionistic methodology has been accomplished steadily by holistic concepts which stress systems approaches and syntheses and which elucidate the linkages between the multiple compartments of ecological and human-environmental systems within structural functional and organizational entities. For instance in Germany five ecosystem research centers have