Ngăn ngừa ô nhiễm và DFE 1 NGUYÊN TẮC CƠ BẢN CỦA phòng ngừa ô nhiễm và giảm thiểu rác thải Bắt đầu từ giữa những năm 1970, quản lý môi trường của khí thải công nghiệp và thải nước thải tập trung vào kết thúc của các đường ống hoặc kết thúc-of-stack công nghệ xử lý. Đạo luật Không khí sạch năm 1970 và nước Đạo Luật Liên Bang Kiểm soát ô nhiễm năm 1972 (bây giờ gọi là "Đạo luật nước sạch"), cũng như các cấu trúc quản lý song song thành lập ở cấp độ bang và địa. | 14 Pollution Prevention and DFE Terrence J. McManus Intel Corporation Chandler Arizona 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF POLLUTION PREVENTION AND WASTE MINIMIZATION Beginning in the mid-1970s environmental management of industrial air emissions and wastewater discharges focused on end-of-the-pipe or end-of-the-stack treatment technologies. Both the Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 now called the Clean Water Act as well as the parallel regulatory structures set up at state and local levels required new treatment technologies to be developed to manage air emissions and wastewater discharges. But none of these early statutes and regulations mandated that corporations minimize the amount of waste generated or prevent pollution during manufacturing. With the passage of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCRA in 1976 the government for the first time defined hazardous waste and began to focus on waste minimization rather than just waste treatment. Large-quantity generators producing more than 1000 kg 2200 lb per month of hazardous waste were required to ship waste to an approved treatment storage and disposal facility TSDF using a formal document known as a waste manifest. Because the new regulations were very strict however many off-site TSDFs had to close down resulting in a sharp decrease in the supply of such facilities. Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker Inc. All Rights Reserved. To reduce demand for the facilities beyond the sharp rise in costs for TSDF services Section 3000 b of the RCRA requires that large-quantity generators who transport waste off-site must certify on the manifest that they have established a program in place to reduce the volume or quantity and toxicity of hazardous waste generated to the extent economically practicable. For owners operators who manage hazardous waste on-site in a permitted TSDF Section 3005 h similarly requires annual certification that a waste minimization program be in place and maintained