Áp dụng đánh giá chu kỳ sống Áp dụng đánh giá vòng đời (LCA) đảm bảo rằng tác động môi trường một cách rõ ràng bao gồm trong quá trình thiết kế, năng suất thay thế "tốt nhất". Các lựa chọn "tốt nhất" có thể được khó khăn trong phân tích cuối cùng để đánh giá, như nhiều yếu tố có thể gây ra một LCA mục tiêu rơi vào một vùng màu xám hoặc chủ quan. Graedel (1) trình bày một phương pháp tuyệt vời cho LCA sắp xếp hợp lý với một cách tiếp cận ma trận, năng suất. | 16 Application of Life Cycle Assessment W. David Constant Louisiana State University and A M College Baton Rouge Louisiana 1 INTRODUCTION Application of life cycle assessment LCA ensures that environmental impact is explicitly included in the design process yielding the best alternative. The best choice can be difficult in the final analysis to assess as many factors may cause an objective LCA to fall into a gray or subjective area. Graedel 1 presents an excellent methodology for streamlined LCA with a matrix approach yielding objective results and explores the approaches used by major manufacturers in obtaining data for the matrices. Others 2 3 present basic studies and applications and there are many articles and texts available between basics and detailed methods. The objective of this chapter is to explore the application of LCA for waste site remediation as an example of the extension of LCA to areas beyond manufacturing goods and consumer products. 2 BASICS FROM CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Application of LCA to assess a waste site remedy is making use of the basics of chemical engineering and related fields the material and energy balances with a few other topics included such as economics eco- and or health risk assessment Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker Inc. All Rights Reserved. and regulatory constraints. Key components for assessment in the material and energy balance approach are a the problem basis b boundaries c generation and accumulation and d time. These terms and their components must be consistent in analysis of for example technology comparisons in remediation or waste management methods for treatment of a process stream or contaminantmedia matrix. In terms of a general equation we may write for any LCA assessment Input output generation accumulation 1 It should be noted that the generation term may be positive or negative if material is consumed . It is critical that the terms are handled in a consistent fashion for use in LCA. The basis of measurement