Các yếu tố của Quyết định Multicriteria Cuộc sống của chúng tôi được làm đầy với các tình huống khi quyết định phải được thực hiện. Mua một chiếc xe, lựa chọn một người vợ, lựa chọn con đường tốt nhất để làm việc, vv, cho thấy tình huống như vậy. Trong thiết kế kỹ thuật, chúng tôi luôn luôn phải đối mặt với quyết định. Các hậu quả của quyết định của chúng tôi thường phức tạp, họ có thể bằng cách đo lường và đánh giá chỉ bằng một số tiêu chí. Trong kỹ thuật môi trường, các tiêu. | 18 Elements of Multicriteria Decision Making Abdollah Eskandari and Ferenc Szidarovszky University of Arizona Tucson Arizona Abbas Ghassemi New Mexico State University Las Cruces New Mexico 1 INTRODUCTION Our life is filled with situations when decisions have to be made. Buying a car selecting a wife choosing the best route to work etc. show such situations. In engineering design we always face decisions. The consequences of our decisions are usually complex they can by measured and evaluated only by several criteria. In environmental engineering these criteria include water and air quality and their effects on people livestock plants and wildlife among others. Therefore all of these measures should by incorporated into the decision process that is we have to take multiple criteria into account. This chapter will give a brief introduction into modeling and solving such engineering decision problems. 2 MODELING DECISION PROBLEMS Every decision-making problem is based on choice. We need to have options to select from. Options or in other words decision alternatives may be the types of Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker Inc. All Rights Reserved. cars available on the market or the different technology variants to treat a region or to build a water treatment plant. The first step in modeling decision problems is to see which set of alternatives we may choose from. This set can be finite or infinite. If the number of decision alternatives is finite then the decision problem is called discrete. For example if finitely many technical variants are available for an engineering project then the decision problem is discrete. In this case we have to prepare a list of the alternatives. If the number of alternatives is infinite then no such list is possible. In such cases decision variables have to be introduced and the decision alternatives are identified by the different values of the decision variables. If X denotes the capacity of a wastewater treatment plant then the different