Meralgia paresthetica là một triệu chứng phức tạp bao gồm tê, dị cảm, và đau ở đùi anterolateral, có thể là kết quả của bệnh thần kinh hoặc ngậm một u dây thần kinh của thần kinh da bên đùi (LFCN). Tình trạng này có thể được phân biệt từ các rối loạn thần kinh khác làm trầm trọng thêm bởi các yếu tố điển hình và phân phối các đặc điểm của triệu chứng. | Meralgia Paresthetica Diagnosis and Treatment Mark G. Grossman MD Stephen A. Ducey MD Scott S. Nadler DO and Andrew S. Levy MD Abstract Meralgia paresthetica is a symptom complex that includes numbness paresthesias and pain in the anterolateral thigh which may result from either an entrapment neuropathy or a neuroma of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve LFCN . The condition can be differentiated from other neurologic disorders by the typical exacerbating factors and the characteristic distribution of symptoms. The disease process can be either spontaneous or iatrogenic. The spontaneous form is usually mechanical in origin. The LFCN is subject to compression throughout its entire course. Injuries most commonly occur as the nerve exits the pelvis. The regional anatomy of the LFCN is highly varied and may account for its susceptibility to local trauma. Relief of pain and paresthesias after injection of a local anesthetic agent is helpful in establishing the diagnosis. If no improvement is found proximal LFCN irritation should be sought. Idiopathic meralgia paresthetica usually improves with nonoperative modalities such as removal of compressive agents nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and if necessary local corticosteroid injections. If intractable pain persists despite such measures surgery can be considered although whether neurolysis or transection is the procedure of choice is still controversial. Iatrogenic meralgia paresthetica has been found to occur after a number of orthopaedic procedures such as anterior iliac-crest bone-graft harvesting and anterior pelvic procedures. Prone positioning for spine surgery has also been implicated. Variations in the anatomy of the LFCN about the anterior superior iliac spine may place the nerve at higher risk for damage. Although nonoperative management usually results in satisfactory results efforts should be made to avoid injury at the time of surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2001 9 336-344 paresthetica. In particular the