Chúng tôi yêu cầu đất để thực hiện một loạt các chức năng quan trọng. Nó phải cung cấp thực phẩm, nhiên liệu, và nhu cầu chất xơ của dân số đang phát triển của thế giới và cũng phải điều chỉnh chất lượng của không khí chúng ta thở, nước chúng ta uống. Chúng tôi cũng yêu cầu đất để hoạt động như một bể chứa nhiều chất gây ô nhiễm tạo ra bởi hoạt động của con người trong nước, nông nghiệp và công nghiệp | 15 Bioindicators and Sensors of Soil Health and the Application of Geostatistics Ken Killham University of Aberdeen Aberdeen Scotland William J. Staddon Eastern Kentucky University Richmond Kentucky I. INTRODUCTION We require the soil to perform a variety of key functions. It must provide the food fuel and fiber needs of the world s burgeoning population and must also regulate the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink. We also require the soil to act as a sink for the many pollutants generated by human domestic agricultural and industrial activities. Because of the conflicting pressures increasingly applied to the soil resource there is a crucial need for the capacity to assess and monitor the health or quality of soil. In 1996 the Soil Science Society of America 1 defined soil health as the continued capacity of a specific kind of soil to function as a vital living system within natural or managed ecosystem boundaries to sustain plant and animal productivity to maintain or enhance the quality of air and water environments and to support human health and habitation. The definition offered by the society provides a useful basis for considering the relevance of bioindicators and sensors for the assessment of soil health. It is clear from the definition that relevant indicators and sensors must contribute to measurement of the functional integrity of soil in order to assess whether it can sustain its key roles. As discussed in later sections in this chapter it is unlikely that any one property or process and therefore a single bioindicator or biosensor is sufficient to provide a reliable measure of soil health. It is much more likely that indicators and sensors will be used in a battery of tests in which enzymes of plant microbial and animal origin play a part. As well as exercising care in terms of overreliance on single bioindicators and biosensors it has been pointed out 2 that whereas scientists select indicators for the link with functions of soil