Năm 1856, Charles Dickens đã bày tỏ sự nhiệt tình về nhôm kim loại mới được phát hiện (Al), nhưng nó không phải tới năm 1886 sản xuất quy mô lớn đã được giới thiệu. Kể từ thời điểm đó việc sử dụng của Al đã tăng lên vô cùng và đã trở thành trọng tâm của một ngành công nghiệp lớn. Một vài nghiên cứu trên Al độc tính đã được thực hiện vào đầu năm 1888, nhưng trong những năm qua, tiếp xúc với Al đã được coi là một vấn đề nhỏ. Trong một báo cáo vào. | 10 Aluminum John Savory R. Bruce Martin and Othman Ghribi University of Virginia Charlottesville Virginia Mary M. Herman National Institutes of Health Bethesda Maryland 1. INTRODUCTION In 1856 Charles Dickens expressed enthusiasm about the newly discovered metal aluminum Al but it was not until 1886 that large-scale production was introduced. Since that time the use of Al has increased enormously and has become the focus of a major industry. A few studies on Al toxicity were carried out as early as 1888 but over the years exposure to Al has generally been considered to be a minor problem. In a report in 1957 Campbell et al. expressed few concerns about hazards to human health presented by Al 1 . The extensive literature that formed the basis of this report was published prior to the development of reliable analytical methods for the measurement of Al. Assessment of the hazard presented by certain forms of Al exposure to humans animals and plants has proved to be a difficult task. Aluminum is highly abundant in the environment and represents 8 of the earth s crust with only oxygen and silicon exceeding it in quantity and is the most abundant metal. Copyright 2002 Marcel Dekker Inc. However Al is complexed in minerals that conceal its abundance and surprisingly the concentration in the ocean is less than 1 L. Most natural waters also have low concentrations of Al any free Al3 is deposited in sediment as a hydroxide. It is with an increase in the acidity of fresh waters that Al can potentially pose a threat to living systems. Despite the abundance of Al in the environment it is present in relatively small amounts in healthy living systems. Normally the total body content of healthy humans is less than 30 mg. However in certain human clinical conditions such as chronic renal failure hyperalumi-nemia can occur producing blood concentrations of Al that are as just as neurotoxic as equimolar blood lead levels that result from excessive lead exposure. 2. ALUMINUM IN .