Khu vực lớn nhất của đất nuôi hữu cơ ở châu Âu được tìm thấy ở Nga ( km2), Đức ( km2), Belarus ( km2), Ba Lan ( km2), Ukraine (5000 km2). Trong khi đó, đất canh tác hữu cơ ở Hoa Kỳ và Canada bao gồm 3080 km2 hoàn toàn. Tại châu Âu, việc sử dụng nông nghiệp của đất hữu cơ chiếm 14% tổng diện tích đất than bùn. | CHAPTER 10 Agricultural Production Systems for Organic Soil Conservation Piotr Ilnicki CONTENTS Abstract I. Introduction II. Agricultural Use of Organic Soils in Europe III. Profile of Cultivated Organic Soils IV. Water Balance A. Peatland Drainage B. Flooding and Runoff V. Subsidence A. Initial Subsidence B. Long-Term Subsidence VI. Best Management Practices for Organic Soil Conservation VII. Conclusion References ABSTRACT Largest areas of farmed organic soils in Europe are found in Russia 70 400 km2 Germany 12 000 km2 Belarus 9631 km2 Poland 7620 km2 and the Ukraine 5000 km2 . In comparison cultivated organic soils in United States and Canada cover 3080 km2 altogether. In Europe the agricultural use of organic soils takes 14 of total peatland area. Climatic factors limiting agricultural production on organic soils a food production surplus and a serious environmental crisis led to European Union Directive No. 2078 92 intended to exclude large areas of peat 2003 by CRC Press LLC lands from agricultural production. In most European countries arable land use is advised only for shallow m or very shallow m peat deposits or sand cover peat cultivation. Organic soil subsidence a key factor in soil conservation is primarily related to groundwater level. Depending on climatic conditions intensity of drainage peat type and land management the annual loss of elevation is in the range of cm yr-1 for grassland and cm yr-1 for arable land. Grassland is given priority in Europe due to shallower drainage protection against frost as well as reduced peat mineralization CO2 and NOx emissions and nitrate leaching. I. INTRODUCTION Peat is regarded as an important energy source in Finland Ireland Russia and Sweden. In central and northern Europe peat is also excavated for producing horticultural substrates for greenhouses and mushroom-growing cellars. In northern Europe a large proportion of mires is covered by commercial forests. In Scotland Highland heather